Wood Business

Industry News


Stories continue below

Industry NewsMarkets

September 14, 2012
Wood fiber costs down in second quarter

Industry NewsNews

September 13, 2012
Catalyst completes reorganization

Industry NewsPolicies

September 12, 2012
Canadian company wins SFI award

Industry NewsMarkets

September 12, 2012
SFI launches Forest Partners Program

Industry NewsMarkets

September 7, 2012
High-value exports to China rise

Industry NewsNews

September 7, 2012
Lebcorp to open plant in Ontario

Industry NewsPolicies

September 6, 2012
Timber tax passes in California

Industry NewsPolicies

September 6, 2012
Forester John Somerville honoured

Industry NewsNews

September 6, 2012
Cascades to make $22M investment

Industry NewsNews

September 6, 2012
Kaycan to buy Uniboard Canada

Industry NewsMarkets

September 5, 2012
Global wood markets outlook now available

Industry NewsNews

September 4, 2012
CN to buy forest products box cars

Industry NewsMarkets

September 4, 2012
Natural resources 15% of GDP

Industry NewsNews

September 4, 2012
BC old-growth sawmill demolished

Industry NewsNews

September 4, 2012
Forestry job crunch looming

Industry NewsPolicies

September 4, 2012
Forestry education changing with the times

Industry NewsNews

September 4, 2012
FPAC names new CEO

Industry NewsMarkets

September 4, 2012
NA lumber markets improving

Industry NewsNews

August 30, 2012
Funds to start idle NS mill approved

Industry NewsPolicies

August 28, 2012
$2M to restart NS paper mill rejected

Industry NewsMarkets

August 28, 2012
Catalyst names new Board

Industry NewsMarkets

August 28, 2012
B.C. bucks log price trend

Industry NewsNews

August 27, 2012
Biggest lumber profit since ’06

Industry NewsNews

August 27, 2012
Fire destroys Waldun cedar mill

Industry NewsNews

August 27, 2012
VAB sells two new planer optimizers

Industry NewsNews

August 24, 2012
AFPA sees strongest growth since 2010

Industry NewsNews

August 24, 2012
ON invests in solid wood industry

Industry NewsNews

August 24, 2012
Resolute to re-start QC paper mill